Big Sur Engagement Photographer//Carly and Nick

Carly and Nick decided to do their engagement session in Big Sur before their Pebble Beach Club wedding in a few months. When I first talked to Carly on the phone I knew we would get along right away. I loved showing them around one of my favorite local Big Sur beaches. They were so natural together and were constantly laughing and jumping around, it was SO much fun and I’m even more excited for their wedding this year!

A little bit about Carly and Nick in their own words.

How did you two meet?

We met online!! On Hinge! Our first date was at a Japanese BBQ restaurant for dinner. It was so fun and we both just felt so comfortable right off the bat. This may sound cheesy but I knew he was the one when everything just felt right. We are on the same page about everything. We have the same humor and laugh all the time. We are pretty much the same person lol! Our parents are very similar and got along very well. We both are Christians and put Christ at the center of our relationship! We both are in the healthcare field and bond about how much life sucks at work right now haha. Everything just felt so comfortable and right! I can’t imagine my life without him!

How did he/she propose? Who introduced you?

Nick proposed at Newport Beach!! I was totally surprised actually!! We were just doing our normal walk at the beach one evening and then he lead me to a beautiful proposal spot he had all set up! He is so sweet and thoughtful. He wrote out “Marry Me” in golf balls because we love to golf haha.

What does your partner do that makes you laugh?

  1. We laugh at the stupidest things and then we keep building off from it and just keep laughing haha. We both are just kids when we are around each other haha we always have so much fun. It’s just nice to have each other as an outlet from work and just laugh about everything!

    What are you most looking forward to about being married?

    Finally living together!! And just doing life together and being one person. Waking up to each other in the morning and giving each other kisses in the morning!


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